Recently on a Salesforce Community, an User want to display error message on Visualforce page using <apex:pageMessage> but this requirement is not easy like we are thinking he want message will be breaking into few lines.
I have searched on google, but i didn't find any result. So,I thought of finding the solution
and got it after struggling with many ideas.
Today, I am providing you that solution, it may be helpful for you.
Controller :
public class LineBreakController
public String str{get;set;}
public LineBreakController()
str = 'This is Line 1 \n This is Line 2'; //Your Error Message.
VisualForce Page :
<apex:page controller="LineBreakController">
<apex:pageMessage summary="{!SUBSTITUTE(JSENCODE(str ), '\\n', '<br/>')}" severity="warning" strength="3" escape="false" />
After Use this code you will get the result something like -
I have searched on google, but i didn't find any result. So,I thought of finding the solution
and got it after struggling with many ideas.
Today, I am providing you that solution, it may be helpful for you.
Controller :
public class LineBreakController
public String str{get;set;}
public LineBreakController()
str = 'This is Line 1 \n This is Line 2'; //Your Error Message.
VisualForce Page :
<apex:page controller="LineBreakController">
<apex:pageMessage summary="{!SUBSTITUTE(JSENCODE(str ), '\\n', '<br/>')}" severity="warning" strength="3" escape="false" />
After Use this code you will get the result something like -